It’s a problem every dealership will face at one time or another: a drop in sales. Whether it’s a drastic drop due to a situation like COVID-19 or a typical seasonal slowdown, there are steps you can take to boost car dealership sales until the normal uptick in business returns.
#1 Consider a Blitz
People love trying something different—and shopping for a car at midnight is different! Setting up a late-night (or even an all-night) weekend sales blitz with coffee, snacks, and sales people ready to do their thing could give you those few extra sales you need to meet your monthly goals.
#2 Perk Up the Perks
Car buyers are always looking for the best deal, but that doesn’t have to mean reducing your prices. Offering limited-time benefits like free oil changes for life or a $500 or $1000 credit in your service department could make that buyer who was on the fence go forward with a purchase.
#3 Get Serious About Social Media Marketing
The number of dealerships who underutilize social media is astounding. Gone are the days when a clever TV ad and quarter page in the newspaper was all it took to bring in customers. It’s time to take a look at your social media marketing and build an online community. Not sure where to begin? MOTiiV offers a Social Media School where you and your team can learn how to elevate your digital footprint and attract more customers.
#4 Build A Community of Sales People
What if people throughout your community were inspired to help drive traffic to your dealership? That’s exactly what happens with a well-designed referral program. The idea is that any time someone hears their friends, neighbors, or co-workers talking about buying a car, they encourage them to visit your dealership. To make this work, the incentive for sending you someone who buys a car needs to be impressive. Depending on what’s popular in your area, the incentive could be tickets to a sporting event, dinner and a night at the theater, or even a night or two in a hotel near a local hotspot.
How do you get the word out? This is one of those times the tip above (getting serious about social marketing) comes into play. A few inexpensive Facebook ads targeted at people who live in your area is a great way to let everyone know about your dealership’s referral promotion.
Outsource Automotive Lead Generation
If you are wondering how you can get back some of the business being lost to online car sellers, MOTiiV can help. We know exactly how to leverage lead generation for car dealerships. Our automotive lead generation services allow us to capture online car shoppers and funnel those leads to our dealers. The leads we generate are:
- Verified
- Pre-Approved
- Ready to Buy
As a dealer, you can even set your own parameters for what types of leads you want. That means every lead we deliver is not just a customer but is your ideal customer.
Slow car dealership sales are temporary, but the extra bump you’ll get from our automotive lead generation services is something your dealership can continue to benefit from in any sales climate. Contact MOTiiV today for more information or to schedule a consultation with one of our marketing specialists.